Apply to
Chinese Universities
Cost of Applying Though CUCAS

To apply to a Chinese university through CUCAS, service fee that charged by CUCAS is at least $50. For details, please check CUCAS Application Service Each individual university you apply to will charge their own application fee which CUCAS is authorized to collect on their behalf.

Application Fee

1. According to the agreements between CUCAS & China’s universities, CUCAS does the collection of application fees for universities.

2. Paying the application fee (usually between 35 to 135 US dollars) is the prerequisite of an applicant getting the chance of enrollment.

3. Since universities in China only accept payment in RMB, CUCAS is responsible for the commission for a foreign exchange & remittance for universities.

4. The application fee for Beijing Language & Culture University is RMB 600 or RMB 800, the same as posted on its website. CUCAS converts Renminbi into US dollars on the CUCAS website for students’ convenience.


1. CUCAS cannot guarantee the acceptance of your applications. Acceptance is decided by each university's admission officer on the basis of applicants' educational background. But we guarantee you will enjoy:

   >>One-on-one consultation service, responses within a single work day

   >>The free and the high-quality service

   >>Free express delivery of admission package

2. Tuition & accommodation fees will be collected by the university when you arrive and register. (Payment method will be outlined in your acceptance letter. All the universities accept cash in RMB. You can exchange cash at most banks in China.) More information about pre-departure and arrival can be found here.

Online Consulting-

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